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1 MAR 2024
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2:59 PM

How To Get Your Income Tax Number (TIN) in Malaysia

Post title 'How To Check Income Tax Number' on a white banner overlaying closeup of a series of numbers

In Malaysia, both individuals and entities who are registered taxpayers with the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) are assigned with a Tax Identification Number (TIN) also known as “Nombor Pengenalan Cukai”. 

Since Budget 2022, it has been announced that all Malaysian citizens aged 18 and above with employment are required to register for a tax identification number (TIN) and subsequently, file income tax.

Identifying the TIN

The TIN consists of an 11, 12 or 13-digit alphanumeric combination of the type of file number and income tax number. 

CategoryTIN Example

Non-individual entities can check their respective codes below:

CategoryTIN Code
Cooperative SocietiesCS
Non-Resident Public EntertainersFA
Non-Resident Public EntertainersPT
Trust BodiesTA
Unit Trusts/ Property TrustsTC
Business TrustsTN
Real Estate Investment Trusts/ Property Trust FundsTR
Deceased Person’s Estate TP
Hindu Joint Families J
Labuan EntitiesLE

Effective 2 January 2023, the TIN format has been updated as follows:

CategoryPrevious Version of TINNew TIN (Starting 2 Jan 2023)Updates
IndividualsSG115002000 SG4040080091 OG56003500070IG115002000
IG4040080091 IG56003500070
The prefix SG/OG converted to IG

The numeric characters remain unchanged
C20880050010 D4800990020 E91005500060 F10234567090The number “0” has been added at the end of the existing TIN

Check Your Income Tax Number – Previously Employed 

If you were previously employed, you may already have a Tax Identification Number (TIN) as your employer would have registered a tax account in order to pay your salary. 

You can check using the following methods:

  • Via online through MyTax (simply log into your account to find your TIN and registered LHDN branch on the top left corner of your dashboard page)
  • HASiL Live Chat
  • HASiL Care Line at +603-8911 1000 (Local number / +603-8911 1100 (Overseas number)
  • Customer Feedback Form at HASiL’s Official Portal; 
  • Nearest HASiL Office 

Do have your IC or passport number on hand for ease of proceeding. 

Get Income Tax Number – Not Yet Registered

If you do not have an income tax number yet, simply use the following steps: 

  1. Visit MyTax
    1. Visit the official tax portal (click here)
    2. On the homepage, click ‘e-Daftar’
  1. Provide Your Details
    1. Select your type of taxpayer (Individual, Company or others) 
    2. Select your preferred reference number type 
    3. Fill in the rest of details needed
    4. Click ‘Search’
  1. Get Results
    1. Your Income Tax Number (TIN) and registered LHDN branch will be shown. 
    2. If you don’t get the above results, it means that you don’t have a MyTax account yet. 

You’ll need to register for a MyTax account in order to get your TIN or declare your income tax online ( via e-Filing). Alternatively, you can head to the nearest LHDN branch to apply in person. 

What Else Can I Do with My TIN?

The TIN serves four primary purposes:

  • Adhere to tax compliance: The main objective of TIN is to track taxes payable by businesses to the LHDN. For example – income tax, sales tax, and employer taxes.
  • Obtain licenses: Individuals and non-individuals must have TIN to apply for various Malaysian licenses and permits such as food and beverage licenses, building permits, and environmental permits all require a TIN in Malaysia.
  • Opening of bank account: TIN is necessary to open a business bank account in Malaysia.
  • Legal compliance: TIN assists in ensuring compliance with Malaysian legal tax laws and regulations.

Apart from individuals, non-individual entities like businesses, partnerships and corporations are also required to obtain a TIN to adhere to Malaysian tax laws and regulations.

We’re Here to Help

We understand that it isn’t easy to manage your own taxes and we’re here to help make the whole process hassle-free. Reach out to any of our trusted tax consultants for expert assistance in filing your personal income tax.

TAGS :income taxincome tax numberTIN
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